Friday, February 19, 2021

Week 21

 For the planning sketches I tried out two different ways I know to structure a face, the first being the andrew loomis method of overlapping two squares to find the face proportions and the second being to draw a circle with some rough directional guidelines to build around. I found that the second sketch ended up looking stylised as the eyes were too large. The andrew loomis structure spaced out the face evenly and was easily adaptable to my own face shape.

This final piece turned out fairly well, although I do think the proportions of the face are stretched out which I would fix by re-evaluating if I were to redo this piece . I did adjust the eyes to round out the face a bit more. I do like the effect the hatching had with the shading , the consistency in the line direction pulls it all together nicely , but i do think the introduction of cross hatching in the darker areas might have been nice.

My favourite part of this piece is the structure of the nose as i have quite a rounded nose so i needed to show that without it looking bulbous, i did this by introducing shading gradually and softly to soften the shape.

Adding of hair detailed based on feedback 

subject reference (not drawing reference)
-I will be taking a better image soon , this is just for the time being

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