Tuesday, April 27, 2021

unreal set ups

To create a controlled lighting environment i ditched all the start lighting and effects so i essentially had a void that wouldn't have an effect on the lighting. From here I added two lights, one to replicate the effect of a ceiling light, which i gave a warm hue and place it lower than the normal since it would have had to be lit by someone meaning it would hang lower. The other was natural light pouring in through a window which I let be less saturated since its daylight. The indoor lights were purposefully dimmer since natural flames produce much less light than the fluorescent bulbs we are used to

I also added a point light into the fire area to emulate the glow of the flames further which also gave a nice shadow from the grates in front of the firw. this really helped to add to the cosy feeling a warm flickering fire normally has and is perfect for what I am going for in this scene.

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