Thursday, January 28, 2021

Future tribe style mood board {in progress but readable}

Style reference guide of the future tribes projects

for this project since I knew I was doing a female character I wanted to find an artist would draws the female anatomy nicely and also and artist that I personally like a lot for their style so I can learn from them throughout the project. I also looked at some artists who work with expressions and more exaggerated character looks, these artist/artists come from the animation sector and I know them from their work of more stylised films but the principles can be carried across into a more realistic version. Finally I included some painting style reference from different sources.

Minemikomail - anatomy 

I have followed this artist for a number of years and I have always liked they way she draws females since they have a sense of strength and the muscles can be seen but they are still feminine overall and it is balanced nicely, this is something I realy want to do with my character as I want her to be a strong and inspiring character but not manly and a tomboy and I think sometimes that hard to keep in balance.

Jin Kim - Facial expressions

Jin kim is one of the well know Disney animators and has worked on many of their best know titles such as Big hero six and Tangled, the reason I am looking at him for inpriation despite his simplified style is because of the expressions he does and how readable they are. to break down expressions into a simple style without it looking like a tom and jerry episode cut out can be hard but Kim does it really nicely and I think this must be because he studies people  a lot and knowledge of how the face move is key to being able to simplify it just like with human anatomy. like Jin Kim if expressions are needed then I will do the same as he does and use reference to do many and really practice and get to know the character I am drawing through their expressions.

Shiyoon Kim  - pose & silhouette

Kim is also works in the animation and recently worked on the film Into the spiderverse as a 2d character artist which is where I am going to be getting my reference from since I own the art book of the film, I have seen Kims work before and studied it previously for the style but this time I want to look at the way he poses characters and the flow within a pose. I find that he is very good at directing attention within a piece and storytelling which is something I'd like to do myself in my own work. Also when drawing I've noticed how he balances a silhouette of a character using a simple side and complicated side within the pose which makes the image clean and easier take in overall.

painting styles for inspiration to be added in due time

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