Wednesday, April 28, 2021

book and bag


this piece worked very well, I painted it tonally again and used gradient maps which meant I could play with colours a bit since I was unsure of what I wanted the cover to look like. The challenge of this piece was to get the texture on the cover right since it was a velvety texture which is really hard to emulate since its both matte and shiny. My painting managed to capture this to some extent and I was very happy with the fact I was able to get that softer feeling to the cover, to do this I used watercolour brushes which gave a softer effect overall and are quite fluffy so it built up that soft texture best. I do think that the sheen of velvet is missing somewhat and pushing the highlights further would defiantly help this . The book page were achieved pretty well and this was quite straight forward but one improvement I would make would be added some depth to the gaps between pages or page ripples that happen in older books, this would make the book look more well read and would make more sense since he would be referring to it for information regularly.


this was a simple bag to get started and was the first thing I made in this project, the bag is a waxed cloth bag which is a traditional way to waterproof bags.A modern example is many backpack are mad with waxed canvas material , for reference here is an example.

the wax produces an almost leathery texture this I tired to emulate this in my work by making the cloth texture softer and more skin like to match this leather like feel.
 I do think more refinement is needed in the depth of the material since it does look flat in areas and working into the areas more would push this further. 

I made sure to have a thicker visable seam. by blending the shadows out a bit it made the material look thicker. I think this worked really well but adding more pull to the material in some areas to give the bag some weight. For the same reason I would add more folds to the center which would show relaxation in areas.  

Overall I think this bag although simple was well done and consideration for the specific material I wanted was made.

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