Thursday, February 18, 2021

UV unwraps

Uv unwraps

I split the uv sheets into two, one for the skin and bandages and another for the rest of the items. I had less on the skin and bandage sheet as I wanted to have more detail and also it would the items to have more of a boarder for seam painting. I think I packed them fairly well, especially the skin sheet, although I do think the sheet with the items would have been revised to reduce the empty space like the space in the centre as it could allow for more detail in the objects
I think I could have overlapped object that would have the same texturing more , for example the front and back of the short sword as it would have saved space and allowed things to take up more of the sheet giving them a higher resolution overall. I think the best packed areas was defiantly the shield as I used the metal border as a container for the rest of the shield and since it was all rectangular it was easy to puzzle together.

overall I think the Uv unwraps went very well but there are things I need to improve on based on mistakes I made here which I will make note of for my next unwrap.

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