Thursday, February 11, 2021

3/4 sketch up

 since I knew what my character would look like I moved on to drawing out the 3/4 sketches .  starting with sketching a basic female body, I didn't put detail into the face since the anatomy was the important part here. I had her build be fairly slim with some muscle definition .

from here I sketched overtop the design I have settled on with consideration for how the material would hang off the body. I had to change the look of the chest wehn sketching over as she is wearing a corset which would cause them the chest to be pushed up. I added the tattoos onto the character here too, the most important one being the one on the forehead which is a Celtic symbol called solomans knot which represents the union of man and the divine and it dates back to the stone age. 

I gave her a name at this stage as to make her feel more establsiehd in my own mind and also as it felt like a confirmation for the character design.

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