Saturday, January 23, 2021

week 16: composition

 To control the lighting in the scene more I used an enclosed shelf and turned the lights off as to eliminate other light that the one I set up, I used a torch that I could adjust to experiment with the lighting more.I also played around with the composition to see what works and what does not. 


The main thing I changed with each composition was the layout of the smaller items and the levels within each scene, I did try and have the heights get lower in a circle path having the smallest object in front and centre. The contrast of the object sizes was also a constant I kept and I found worked best when I used the dice as they made the roller skate look larger and towering in comparison. the two strongest options were numbers 3 and 4 where the positioning of the dice and roller skate were parallel . The increased height of the roller skate in option 3 through the use of the second book which works nicely in the scene, the main issue with option 3 was the glass as it made the shape of the scene more clunky, this however was resolved in option 4 where I lay down the glass creating a nice flowing L shape in the composition. by merging the placement of the glass ( and the positioning of the dice) with the set up of the roller skate it would create a nice balance overall, this does mean the candle will be removed from the scene as it would block the shape of the glass to much and throw things off balance again.

The least successful thumbnail was option 5 as it looked to bare, this was one I changed everything as to have a different angle of the roller skate but I didn't balance out the size of the skate with anything making it to heavy on one third of the set up. This could be improved through adding something of a medium height just behind the first set of wheels and a short and wide object to fill some more of the negative space.

Final piece

for my final outcome I used the merging of the options 3 and 4 to make my final composition and I think the size variation worked well overall as it crreated a nice L shaped outline . The only improvement I would make would be too add more dice to make it seem as if the dice poured out of the glass. The tonal range in this piece is good and I perticually like the crosshatched shading on the roller skate, however I think the background should have been had darker to frame the objects properly as they are blending with the backing currently. I would also make the highlights on the glass sharper as they are blurry and this mades the glass seem less transparent and smudged, refining the edges of the glass with darker line work would also make the object look crisper and more realistic overall. As for the roller skates, more definition is needed on the top buckle in particular as its shape isn't clear immediately to a viewer, making the top section of the boot above the plastic darker would make it more true to the scene as it looks like its the same as the lower section currently which is incorrect.

Referencing image for final outcome

Lighting variation  images

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