Thursday, January 28, 2021

modelling the human form [images needed]

 reference images for male anatomy

when modelling I kept in  mind the way the muscles look on a human and how they would translate into a lower poly form. The key muscles I focused on was the deltiod muscle as it was key to creating a strong looking shape in the upper body area,
for the lower half I bulked up the thigh muscles which would make sense since a gladiator has to be faster on there feet, also  Spartacus who I am basing this model off was in the army for a period of time and back then this would mean a lot of walking across large distances which would build up the quad muscles.

To make the body I started with a box and used the swift loop function to cop it up so I could round it out and make the rib cage. from the rib cage model I pulled out the rest of the body and refined it based on each part anatomy. the hardest part to do was definitely the hands as it required a lot of tweaking an refining to make them have the right overall shape, one thing in particular that I struggled with was placing and welding the fingers to the palm, I originally made a mistake that cause a lot of mess and I had to fix later down the line.

{model image}one thing I am very happy with is the overall anatomy and stance as I think I managed to get it realistic , the muscles I think were well place and shaped and the angles of the body made sure the character didn't look as if they were ready to fall over and they were not just straight as the human body sits naturally in a sort of 's' shape which I put my model in.

overall I am happy with the outcome of the body modelling as I think its fairly accurate to correct anatomy but there are a few things Id change such as maybe bulking him up even more and exaggerating his strength, also more definition around the collar bone area could make the model look even more developed 

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