Friday, November 13, 2020

perspective grids

 This task was a bit of a challenge for me as I have always struggled with using perspective grids for interiors so this really helped me to push my understanding of how to use them and I have now become more comfortable using them.

One point perspective

Development thumbnails

I wanted to have a scene with a few different elements for this drawing so I picked a small hallway in my home .

I think this drawing worked out pretty well and the perspective is accurate and gives the hall a good sense of depth, however to improve it I would look again at the skirting board at the bottom right of the drawing ad I think looking back now it is of by a few degrees in angle and improving this would complete the scene more. I enjoyed drawing the floorboards the most here as they helped to inform the perspective a lot and they turned out really nicely but I would go back and add more tonal shading if I were to redo it as they are dark floor boards, also adding a bit of texture would make them look more accurate to real life as its not modern laminate flooring but aged floorboards that have bared a lot of ware and tear which doesn't come through in the drawing.

Id also go back in and push the shading a bit more to further improve the drawing as it does look a bit under developed overall since there less contrast than I would have liked it to end up. 

This piece I did as an additional piece at the end as I wanted to do something with more smaller objects in it. I ended up liking it a lot since I think I did well with the shading of the different objects and also getting them all in proportion to one another.The main improvement I would make would be working into the corner more as its a bit too much empty space for my liking and throws the balance off a bit.

Two point perspective

I was quite happy with this drawing as I think I managed to properly show the perspective in the scene, I do think I could have added more props into the scene as I omitted a lot of items for the sake of simplicity. Another thing I need to pay attention to is keeping the lines vertical when they need to be as I do sometimes draw them tilting a little which throws of the balance of the object.

Reference images

the other two drawings were done before a furniture shift round unfortunately so images wouldn't be accurate and therefor have been exempt

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