Thursday, March 11, 2021

Notan method

 When drawing these notans i found it fun to challenge myself to come up with a variety of ideas, i also found the process similar to the line and shading process of manga. Based on this i ended up referencing how they show shadow and light in manga pages which was very useful, such references can be seen below

Set 1 -base


I found it hard with this base to have a large variety of ideas but there are some interesting scenes here, my favourite being the last one as it feels like the entrance to a boss battle and the juxtaposition of the boats being made to look minuscule compared to the rock provides some nice visual intrests. The least interesting piece was the second since although the scene is nice and dramatic, the perspective does work well and flattens things .

Set2 -base


This set was my favourite as it had much more variation, I especially liked the mushroom cloud piece as the shapes within the cloud are really interesting and push that billowing shapes further.the least successful   idea was the first one with the little shop as I think the composition isn’t great and it just looks a bit dull compared to the others.

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