Thursday, March 11, 2021

1 point and 2 point perspective

 One point perspective

Reference was of the rocinante from the Tv show the expanse

This piece worked really nicely in one point and I like the tonal sketch but I do think pushing it further would be super interesting to see. One improvement would be the roof area as some parts do look a bit off.

Two point 

Chicken temple based in the sky that hold the grand golden egg on top . 

I was very happy with this piece, I developed this sketch more and the to al contrast provides a very dramatic atmosphere which is Ironic for the subject. One improvement I would suggest would be to look again at the direction of the bricks on the right as the seem to be angled a bit too far upward, further defining the leaves would also be a great favourite part of this piece is the definition of the metal spikes at the top as they are very readably shiny and this contrasts the rough texture of the brick below.

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