Monday, January 11, 2021

Holy water

 For the bottle of hold water i chose to use a clay jar as i had already done a glass jar and i didnt want to repeat the same thing. I didn't do concept sketches as I had a pretty concrete idea of how I wanted this to look so I steamed ahead and painted it. I started by painting the shape tonally, building up the structure from light to dark. My main focus here was getting the rounded shape right as since this was such a simple design, getting this right is even more important.


Adding the colour was done through gradient maps and I originally used a coffee like gradient but this was too saturated so i reduced this later . I think the use of painting a rough texture overtop and using a multiply layer worked well in this piece as it makes the jar look rough and imperfect, it also helped to make the shadows look richer in detail than they were without this layer and this built up the overall shape more. I think the weakest part of this work is definitely the rim of the jar as it is a bit undeveloped compared to the rest of the jar and putting more shaded detail in could have helped this . The cross on the front is very rough, but this is purposeful as I wanted it to look like it had been hand painted on by the make of the pot, I tried to make it look like it had been put on using ink brushes like what monks used to use to write scriptures in the church as it fits in a contextual sense.

Overall I think although there are some improvements that could be made such as further shading in the bottle rim and I also say that making the cork in the top more cartoonish in size could improve the piece, it was successful in the end as I think I managed to build up the shape well as I had mentioned was important for such a simple piece and I also really liked the minimalist marking of the cross and its contextual links that I have discussed previously.

Full process below

revision based on feedback given.

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