Friday, January 15, 2021

future tribes background building

 From projects I've worked on in the past I have always found it most useful to build up a rough story for the setting and character before looking at the design as things such as social influence within the story and personal traits will reflect on how a person presents themselves. 

World setting

Far in the future humanity has spread to very corner of the known solar system, colonising and terra forming the natural landscape like a virus. But their great venture was quickly crippled, no one could agree on terms between factions and soon debates turned into wars. Wars that left resources almost non-extent and no authority figure that anyone could bring themselves to respect. So nations split into factions and then into even smaller tribes that looked back on ancient history as how humanity should be. Left with the scraps of what was and surrounded by the bones of the dead they learnt to make do and re use what they could. Tribe leaders, although regal , the jewels with they don have a macabre secret. Tribes are not just group of people but more like extended family, very close knit and territorial.

character setting

gender - female

age- 22

brought up in space as part of the reliquias tribe, daughter of the captain of a repurposed war ship . we will be imaging her half way through her story, after her people were attack and the captain killed she had to learn quickly the ins and outs of being the new captain whilst in the midst of a new war between the space-born tribes. at this point in her journey she has become cold and unforgiving, learnt that she had to show no weakness in order to save the tribe . 

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