For the shop front project I knew Id have to be smart with my management of time. Based on projects I've done in the past I knew the most important part to me is the polishing time and working on feedback so I tend to do the base work quite quickly and go back into things based on a review either by myself or others, I do this very purposefully as if I fret about getting everything perfect first try then I will never finish because there will always something I could redo or edit to improve. Therefor by getting the ground work done first I am prevent having bit missing because I focused too much on one part .
The first week I dedicated to getting the main trim sheet done and a rough model laid out. By sketching out the trim sheet and using that to model whilst painting it simultaneously I saved myself a lot of hassle and was able to check that things looked good on the model as I went . I also did the tiling textures along side .
The second week I focused on refining my model and finishing the props trim sheets which I did in the same way as the main house trim sheet so the props were already set up .This doesn't sound like much but is time consuming because its a lot of little tasks and refining the model was a lot of trail and error.
I wanted to focus the majority of the workload in the first few weeks so I could chip away at improvements later on in the project, giving myself more time to step away and now get to blinded by being used to what I see and not seeing possible improvements and also giving myself time away to handle work across other modules and personal projects.
In the weeks to follow up until the feedback hand in I will chip away at refining and improving the model, re-evaluating what I do as I go along, acting as my own director of the project.Documenting the changes I made through backups to refer back to or to have on hand just in case of something going wrong, this will avoid a panic if the files corrupts for some unseen reason which has happened to me in the past and some programs files are very hard to recover so its best to have a backup.
After the feedback in week 9 I will push forward with adjustments based on what the tutors say and dedicate the two weeks to hammering away at improvements and finalising for the hand in on the 18th.
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