Monday, November 2, 2020

Two point perspective still lifes

First still life

For my first still life I chose to draw based of the set up below ( not exact to the angle I was drawing from for lighting conditions)

These items were all geometrically shaped and the blue box I simplified the faces since the focus was the main shape, I wanted to include it as it had more variation in shape and this would give the piece more interesting elements to it.

The main thing I would improve about this drawing would be the length of some of the lines as some are shorter and longer than they should be which then throws off the perspective.An example of this would be the closest edge of the book has a shorter line than the edge on the right which doesn't make sense, making this line longer would solve this. To avoid this all together in the future I should properly measure the shapes and take a step back to re evaluate my drawing before I push forward with the shading

On the topic of the tonal shading I think I made a good start on the shading particularly in the book pages but it could be pushed further and developed to help properly inform the shapes. One thing I think I did pretty well was the use of line weight to focus attention in the drawing, for example the lines on the book and corners of the tardis model are darker and a bit thicker than the ones in the two boxes which have increasingly subtle lines as the shape gets further away.

Based on feedback I went back into this piece and lengthed the closest edge of the book to make the perspective more accurate, smaller changes to line angles were also made for the same reason which resulted in a more accurate final outcome.

I also further developed the shading which fleshed out the shapes a bit more and gave a better impression of the lighting in the scene..


Unfortunately I didn't take a photo of my second still life, for the second still life I swapped out the blue box for a deodorant can as it is a cylinder ,changed the positioning of the boxes and was looking from a different angle. 

In this drawing I tried to learn from my mistakes in the first drawing. I payed more attention to the lengths of the lines and how the are effecting the accuracy of the perspective and this lead to the outcome looking more accurate, although it can still be improved as the cylinders furthest face could have been made smaller as currently it does look a tad bit off . I think I did well on the shading and was able to properly show depth and how the light played upon the surface of the objects in the scene for example the corner between the boxes and the book has a gradual shading to help make the corner look more further back in the scene and extenuate the shape.

I again tried to incorporate the use of line weight again in this drawing which is most seen in the boxes as I really wanted to show their three dimensionality more through a contrast in the line and this turned out quite nicely and is something I will try to incorporate more in my work in the future.

To improve this piece Id make adjustments to a few lines to the perspective clearer, such as the closest edge of the book and the furthest face of the cylinder. Id also put a little more contrast into the shading because I think that would push the shading that little bit further.

after recieving feedback I went back in and made some improvements which include the ones previously mentioned. 

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