Sunday, April 18, 2021

exploring substance painter

 splitting the model

To make the processing easier on my PC as recently my second video card stopped working and the remaining card was struggling to constantly render the entire scene I split up the model into its different parts. This wasn’t  hard to do and the main difference was that I had to combine the maps at the end. I found it also made cleaner bake results since there isnt issues of overlapping or sorts. 

making base textures for models

Since I split my model up I had to find a way to make textures across objects of the same material consistent, to do this i made a base material for say the wood that can be applied across the model and built upon base on details of each piece. So using the material that I made from scratch I put it into a folder and made a smart texture from my own work to be applied on the other areas. 


To make the details clearer I went over the majority with a height brush to define them. I found this was especially useful in the mantle piece patterns since I found it hard to make them crystal clear in the model , here I was able to do that and it have the same effect. In the future such details I will leave for this step instead of trying to spend time modelling it if I am baking it onto a low poly model in the end anyway.

Challenges and solutions

The main challenge I came across was that there was some anomalies in the bake details that caused issues in the ambient occlusion map and the normal map which effected the colour of textures. i fixed this by taking the maps into photoshop and painting out the errors by hand and replugging them in, this worked well and meant the end textures are not effected by such anomalies.



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