Sunday, December 6, 2020

X Y Z drawings

I think that in this piece I managed to reconstruct the television I based on of my oragraphc drawings on from on of the previous tasks, I did struggle a bit with the stand of the television as it was hard to figure out how to piece the pieces together but in the end it turned out okay and wasn't distorted which was my main concern. I do think that improvements could be made to the main screen area as the left side isnt straight and this skewed the piece slightly. But this is a simple fix since it is only a line drawing.Another improvement would be looking again at the variation in line weight as on the right side there is a nice amount of variation of both light and darker lines but on the left it is under-developed and this throws off the entire piece, making it seem unfinished.

Overall I am quite happy with the outcome of this task and it made me think of what I was drawing in a more three dimensional  sense but improvements could be made and I will be taking my mistakes in this piece into account and be more mindful when creating the next XYZ drawing I do.

Improved drawing

In this improved version I used line weight and mark making to add value to the object, I this worked perticularly  well on the rim of the television as the lines are all going the same way but have varying levels of darkness to them giving the impression of depth. I used the direction of the line to inform the shape, for example the lines on the front are all either horizontal or vertical which clearly separates it from the diagonal lines on the stand and rim. I tried to add the impression of a fuzzy screen by creating a diamond like pattern and then almost completely erasing it leaving only a slight glaze similar to that of the screen  on the tv I studied. I think there are still some structural issues that could be resolved through more accurate measuring but currently the top left corner looks skewed. 

Additional work

orthographic reference used

New drawing based on feedback given

Based on the feedback I got from my tutor I tried to do another xyz drawing using another one of the orthographic drawings as reference. This one I think worked much better and the shape didn't end up distorted like it in my first attempt. I perticually like the way I managed to get the inner container to look like it was sitting inside and not just a design on the outside which I was worried about .  I do think the perspective could have been a bit more exaggerated which would make it look more realistic , also the bottom line in the left side is at too wide an angle in comparison to its parallel line at the top , fixing this would make the perspective look more accurate.

Orthographic reference used

Additional work

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