When setting up the still life I tried to find a mostly cylindrical objects with variety levels of complexity.

When sketching everything out I found the hardest part to be the inhaler as its structure was not as straight forward as things overlapped and some areas tapered off a little, such as the mouthpiece. I do think areas need improvement in this piece such as the nail polish bottle which doesn't look as rounded as in the still life set up, this may be because I made the box too wide so when making the perimeter of the circle it became more stretched out than I intended, also the perspective on the inhaler looks a bit off and if I were to go ack in and redo it I would try and double check my angles again to ensure its not inaccurate.
Tonal drawing
After finishing the initial sketch I added tonal shading gradually. I managed to correct some issues that popped up during the sketch phase whilst shading, such as the nail polish bottle which now looks more rounded and full as I made the circle at the top of the bottle more obvious so it could inform the structure of the rest of the object .
When shading the different object I tried to keep in mind the way the light played upon the surface of the object, for example on the metal spray can it had a few strips of lighter areas were the light from the window behind me was reflecting so I shaded around these areas to make them stand out. I think the shading on the inhaler was the most successful as I had more of a contrast between light and dark and the shading really helped to build up the shape of the inhaler more. The shading worked perticually well in the end closest where the metal canister is inside the plastic container as the contrast here showed the difference in materials and also pushed that sense of depth as the darkness increases further into the inside on the plastic container. I think that I should have paid more care into the reflectivity in the metal canister as its not clear that it is in fact a shiny metal as it looks quite dull as I didn't put enough light areas into it.
New drawing based on feedback
Based on feedback I received from my tutor I decided to give this method of drawing another go, the main difference in my approach was that I spent more time on constructing the shapes and checking their measurement against one another. I think this drawing worked out well but more attention could have been payed to the shape of the plant pot as it should taper and the base more and splay out at the top which does not come across .The composition of this still life is a bit dull due to the lack of different angles and to improve I would maybe lay the perfume bottle down as it would add more variation.
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