Thursday, October 15, 2020

Line and weight exersize

For this still life exersize I created a basic set up which is pictured to the left and I drew it from multiple different angles . 

Speed drawings

These quick sketches turned out quite well as I think I managed to capture the main shapes within a short amount of time. To do this I tried to avoid focusing on the smaller points and details and first look at the larger overall shapes and get them down first.

Mark making drawings

These drawings ended up moving into tonal drawing rather than line drawings since I didn't know when to stop and the lines ended up overlapping a lot and turning into shading and if I were to go back Id make sure to stick to line drawing only.I think I did manage to accurately recreate the scene in front of me . There is a bit of asymmetry in the bottles in the drawing on the right and the centre. This could have been avoided by drawing a line down the centre and making sure each side matches which is what I did for the drawing on the left and this ended up being much more symmetrical. In the drawing on the left I tried to incorporate more line weight into the drawing and this payed off well in the leaves especially as the only out line of the leaves is made up of small dashes and yet you can still see the shape well .

I decided to go back in the the two on the right and try and erase some tonal shading and instead use more line work, the drawing on the far left would not erase clearly so I wasnt able to do anything to it.

these ones worked out quite nicely, although there are some areas that have more tonal shading as it was hard to erase, I used circles for the first one and topology lines for the other which out of the two I think the circles worked best but the topology lines did work best in the rose and I think a mix of the two would be really interesting to see.

Blind contour drawings 

These were challenging since I wasn't able to look at the paper and I must admit that I did slip up once or twice and peeked  at the page but overall I am pleased with the outcome. I've done this exercise before so I had an idea of how to make it still look like a coherent image but I think it is still messy and inaccurate .

Final Piece

For this final piece I tried to use continuous lines so create some tone , these are ones similar to what you find on maps and I think they turned out quite well. I laos think the use of line weight in ghe steam and leaves worked well to not only inform the shapes of the object but also bring attention up to the head of the rose which I wanted to be the main focal point.

I think the main improvement I could have made would be putting more time into smaller details such as the markings on the wooden boxes as it established the top box well but the bottom box looks a bit plain and underdeveloped overall. 

Another point I think worked well was how the line weight reduced the further from the head of the rose you get, this was to pull the attention towards the detailed rose .

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